Inglés 3º Año - 3º y 4º División

Simple Present

Use your previous knowledge  of English from last school year to complete the following activities.

A - Put in the correct verb forms.

1)  She might                  at Gatwick airport.
a)    arrive
b)    arrives
c)    arrivs

2)  Anne and Peggy                  too late.
a)    am
b)    are
c)    be
d)    is

3)  What time                  the film begin?
a)    do
b)    dos
c)    does

4)  They                  wear school uniform.
a)    don't
b)    doesn't
c)    don' t

5)  The lesson                  at 8.30.
a)    start
b)    starts

6)  The museum                  open on Mondays.
a)    does'nt
b)    doesn't
c)    don't
d)    doesn 't

7)  He                  be at home by 10 o'clock.
a)    schould
b)    should

8)  It                  rain later.
a)    may
b)    mays

9)  I usually                  to bed at 11 o'clock.
a)    go
b)    goes
c)    gos

10)  Tomorrow                  Sunday.
a)    am
b)    are
c)    be
d)    is

B - Rewrite the sentences using long or contracted forms.

1)  He cannot come with us.
2)  We're late.
3)  She need not come.
4)  I'm not Spanish.
5)  They are in the attic.
6)  She does not like rice.
7)  They don't walk to school.
8)  He isn't from Peking.
9)  That is a pity.
10)  You shouldn't eat so much meat.                         

C - Which answers are correct?

1)  What are typical signal words for the Simple Present?

a)    just
b)    normally
c)    seldom
d)    two weeks ago
e)    usually
f)     yet

2)  Which verb forms are correct?

a)    she agrees
b)    she annoys
c)    she cries
d)    she hurrys
e)    she kissis
f)     she rushes
g)    she teachs
h)    she worrys

3)  Which actions are in the Simple Present?

a)    actions happening at the moment of speaking
b)    actions beginning in the past in still continuing
c)    recently completed actions
d)    one actions follows after the other
e)    things in general
f)     fixed arrangements, scheduled events
g)    repeated actions

4)  Which sentences/questions are in the Simple Present?

a)    Are you Greek?
b)    Do you have a brother?
c)    I don't usually have lunch at school.
d)    Martin has been to Montreal.
e)    Peggy was on holiday.
f)     The largest number of people lives in Brooklyn.
g)    We have two cars.

D - Negate the sentences.

1) Dave believes in ghosts.
2) We are from Nigeria.
3) The phone rings.
4) She flies to Sofia every April.
5) They hate fish.
6) The sun goes around the earth.
7) The banks close at 2 o’clock.
8) She wants to become a superstar.
9) Jane and Sue teach Spanish.
10) Anne has lunch at home.

E - Form questions.

1)  can / I / to get / you / a glass of water                  
2)  may / I / to come in                                            
3)  you / to speak / any Roman language                    
4)  your parents / to wait up for you                           
5)  what / can / we / to do / to find / the stolen bike     
6)  who / to help / Roger / in the shop

7)  who / to help / Roger / in the shop

8)  how / you / to feel                                              
9)  Pat / not to come / with us                                   
10)  why / not to clean / you / your shoes                   

F - Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps.

1)  They                                   a nice garden. (to have)
2)  She                                   to lose weight. (to try)
3)  Hawaii                                   in the Pacific Ocean. (to be)
4)  My aunt often                                   queues. (to jump)
5)  Ally                                   his handwriting. (can/not/to read)
6)  We sometimes                                   around the shops. (to look)
7)  I                                   travelling. (to enjoy)
8)  Water                                   when it                                    . (to expand) (to freeze)
9)  David usually                                   French on the telephone. (to speak)
10)  Stan                                   Pat and Steve                           rather popular. (to gather) (to be)

G - Ask for the underlined parts.

1) They usually go on holiday in July.
2) Mel works in an office.
3) He works 60 hours a week.
4) The child plays the trumpet.
5) We write to four pen friends.
6) I like cycling because it’s fun.
7) Susan is 25 years old.
8) Jerry comes from Leeds.
9) Pamela does not like squash.
10) Lisa talks about Danny.

Biblioteca Quino: Comisiones Evaluadoras ABRIL 2022

                             ABRIL  2022