Inglés -6to 2da- prof Gutierrez Noelia

Hello children! How are you?

Let’s complete this survey (encuesta) about what you, your friends or family members have been up to

Pregunta a amigos, familiares y completa en ingles las actividades que estan realizando ultimamemte

 I´ve been busy( he estado ocupado ...jugando/estudiando/mirando/escuchando/probando/escribiendo))

 family member
I´ve been busy playing …

I´ve been busy studying…

I´ve been busy watching …

I´ve been busy… listening …

I´ve been busy trying…

I´ve been busy writing…

Stay home, stay safe and wash your hands

Send your answers to my mail

Biblioteca Quino: Comisiones Evaluadoras ABRIL 2022

                             ABRIL  2022